First Sunday in Battambang, Cambodia
Battambang feels like home.
Our first visit to the Hope Bible Institute (HBI) in 2014 was memorable. It was one of the final stops for our 2014 team, and our family-style meals here, including an awesome Thanksgiving feast, allowed us some very special time as a family of travelers. The HBI stay in 2014 is also memorable for all the time Sheffield (then a 2-year-old baby) ran around the campus in his diaper. The family-friendly atmosphere among this church and ministry community made us feel welcome and free.
This morning we hosted about 30 of the children from the surrounding community for an hour of games, songs, and stories. The children responded enthusiastically to our program, and we finished the morning by passing out some school supplies and a delicious baguette.
The pastor asked me to give a message to his church, and I preached on the love of God. Inspired by the kind and loving affection the parents pour out on their children here, I spoke about the tenderness of our Heavenly Father, citing John 3:16 as well as Romans 8.
We spent some time this afternoon in town, some hunting for ice cream, others for a fresh latte, and a few for ice-cold coconuts. Now we are back on campus preparing for a heavy monsoon shower as well as a week of classes, service, and exploration.
(A classic ATW ice breaker introduced to us originally by David “Macho” Garcia)
(We acted out Matt. 4– Jesus calming the storm. Greta as director, David as narrator, and Dr. Bryan Santin as Jesus, naturally:).
(Since his debut in 2014, Sheffield has always been the ultimate ATW ambassador. Always ready to jump into the middle of the action, and to try new things, he is a friendship magnet.)